I'm a Multimedia Designer and Web Developer. I originally created this Jekyll theme simply because I needed a portfolio to showcase my projects. I was interested in many of the other Jekyll portfolio themes floating around out there, but as a designer I really just wanted to have full creative control over my own portfolio, so I decided to code one from scratch. After designing this theme, I figured it might be useful for others as well. I tried to make this theme easily customizable for anybody who has just a basic knowledge of HTML and CSS. You can change the color scheme, fonts, images, etc. Most of the code you'll probably be customizing is in the "index.html" file, and the "css.common.css" file. Also, I catagorized the blog into three general topic categories, which are titled "Design", "Code", and "Life". I found that this categorization system works really well for my own blog, however you can edit or remove these topics if you want. Anyway, if you have any questions you can reach me at miles@milesrose.net.
If you want to know more about me, I blog about what I learn as a way for me to organize my thoughts and document my learning journey. I also post design tutorials on my blog to break down some of my animation methods for other people to learn from.
Feel free to check out the projects on my portfolio and post a comment. Follow me via any of the social media links below.